
"It’s an unbelievable piece of craftsmanship." 

-Ben Stilwell

I just got back from an Idaho elk hunt. I gutted, skinned and quartered the elk and when I cleaned the knife the next day I could still shave the hair off my arm. It’s an unbelievable piece of craftsmanship.

"here's your knife ... Life is good." 

-Dave Palmer

Found you on the web....glad to see you're still making knives. You made this one for me in Newport, Oregon back so long ago I can hardly remember. Sorting gear after selling our Alaska cabin, here's your knife! Moved from Alaska to Washington about 3 years ago, enjoying retirement, family and motorcycles. Life is good.

"... I treasure Jim's knives." 

-Mark Huber

I am fortunate enough to own several of Jim West’s custom hand-made knives, and have known Jim now for 44 years.  We have shared many a hunting trip and several hunting camps together over the years.

I am one of those peculiar people who really like hand-made items, whether it is brain tanned and alder smoked buckskin clothing, or custom built Hawken rifles.  That’s just one reason I treasure Jim’s knives.  Just knowing about the quality steels, unique handle materials, and looking at the beauty of the fit and finish and overall craftsmanship Jim puts into his knives makes them very special.

I must say that I also treasure them because of their durability and edge holding qualities.  I have used a particular hollow ground blade of D-2 steel, with stag handles  on deer, elk, bear and antelope for more than 24 years of hunting in the Pacific Northwest, and it has always held a good edge and has done all the gutting, skinning and butchering of game meat I have been fortunate enough to take.

If you are a hunter, and find yourself treasuring a fine rifle, bow, or shotgun which is special to you, or if you are an avid fisherman, and have a nice rod, reel, and setup you prefer, when in pursuit of your quarry, I highly recommend purchasing one of Jim’s finely crafted knives to add to your sporting tools. You will treasure and use it for years to come, and I might add, Jim stands behind his work and sells his wonderful knives at an affordable price, considering the quality and finish!

"never sharpened the blade ." 

-Mike Edenfield

Mike Edenfield has been hunting big game in Oregon his entire adult life.  He has mostly pursued Mule deer, elk, and antelope, and has made his many hunting trips and adventures "family affairs," usually accompanied by his wife, his daughter, and his two sons.  He has been very successful over the years, taking many big game animals on these family hunts.
In 2003 Mike purchased a Jim West hand made knife to use on future hunts.  Today, in 2012, Mike says he has used this knife to gut and skin six deer, and three or four elk.  He has never sharpened the blade during those years of hunting and using the knife.  The blade is of 154 CM steel,  and is hollow ground with a tapered tang.
Mike is shown here, with the knife and a hindquarter of a spike bull elk he killed during the 2012 Cascade Bull Elk season, Fall River, Oregon.